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Keskustelu osiossa 'Filmikuvaus' , aloittajana Tapiola2006, 6 Syyskuu 2011.


    Laita ääni kovalle ja nauti :) Tässä sanat jos laulattaa:

    When I think back
    On all the crap I learned in high school
    It's a wonder
    I can think at all
    And though my lack of education
    Hasn't hurt me none
    I can read the writing on the wall

    They give us those nice bright colors
    They give us the greens of summers
    Makes you think all the world's
    a sunny day
    I got a Nikon camera
    I love to take a photograph
    So mama don't take my Kodachrome away

    If you took all the girls I knew
    When I was single
    And brought them all together
    for one night
    I know they'd never match
    my sweet imagination
    Everything looks worse
    in black and white

    Tekstilähde: http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/kodachrome-lyrics-paul-simon/929e50784b2fafbb4825698a000b5995
  1. Vs: Kodachrome-kivaa

    Hih, kiitos. Eipä ole pitkään kun tuli aamulla Ylenaikaisesta.

    T. Kerkko.
  2. Vs: Kodachrome-kivaa

    Voi voi paulia, ois vaan ottanut Mustavalkoisella, niin ei vituttais niin kauheesti kun katsoo samoja giltsejä tänä päivänä...
  3. J.Vuokko

    J.Vuokko Well-Known Member

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