Vs: Petit-déjeuner de la photo amateur Ooo, marveilleux ... Is it REAL LEICA-Photo ? And REAL FILM ? Then it's ART ... T Erska
Vs: Petit-déjeuner de la photo amateur Vähän tarkoituksellisen lavastetun oloinen (liekö tässä haettu jotain Robert Doisneau -fiilistä?) mutta aika mukava kuva.
Vs: Petit-déjeuner de la photo amateur In english please, Dear Mr. Silvasa, 'cos Sokre do not understant finnish (I can not translate - that fine argument of Yours - good enough ...) Lööv & Piis. - E
Vs: Petit-déjeuner de la photo amateur Good enough... what a compliment from guru... Thanks. Ok, i think it`s little bit of "made-artistic", but quite nice anyway.
Vs: Petit-déjeuner de la photo amateur Onhan siinä pullaa, sumppia ja pari pläräytintä ym. ym... In english : It's just fine. - E
Vs: Petit-déjeuner de la photo amateur More I look this, more I like, anyhow, one tiny thing, is it little bit too tight on a left side?
Vs: Petit-déjeuner de la photo amateur Thank you. As for the tightness, probably you are right, but this is the best I could do with the lens (40mm).