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OSTETAAN O: Filmipokkari: T2, gr1

Keskustelu osiossa 'Ostetaan' , aloittajana jounierik, 10 Marraskuu 2008.

  1. jounierik

    jounierik Member

    Pokkaria hakusessa. Lähinnä contax t2 tai ricoh gr1 hakusessa.

    Viestiä jounierik(at)hotmail.com
  2. karjuhani

    karjuhani Member

    Vs: O: Filmipokkari: T2, gr1


    Olisiko kuvankaunis Nikon Ti35 mitään,  kaikki alkuperäiset tavarat mukana pakkauksessaan?

      Terkut, Kari
      040 6719686


          For those with higher expectations of quality, there are a few point and shoots out there which match SLRs for quality and control. The Konica Hexar, Nikon Ti35 and Ti28, Leica Minilux, and Ricoh GR-1 are all high quality cameras which offer PHD simplicity with the SLR exposure override options. The drawback - price. These cameras generally sell for $400 on the USED market. New, they can reach as high as $1000. But if you want a point and shoot with professional quality optics and manual controls, these cameras offer exactly that.
          An extremely compact camera worth noting is the Rollei 35. This camera comes in a number of different versions, all of which have the same basic features. A high quality 40mm lens and complete manual control - there is NO automatic control on the camera at all. For the amateur photographer who wants an extremely compact manual camera to carry everywhere, I highly recommend it. For more information on this camera, take a look at my review of the Rollei 35 SE.
          If you have and comments or suggestions (or cameras which you recommend), please e-mail me.