**MYYTY** Photo Wisdom - Master photographers on their art (Lewis Blackwell) Kovakantinen 310x310x30mm, (220 sivua), paino 2,2 kg PQ Blackwell/Chronicle Books 2009 ISBN 978-0-47315-094-5 Loistava ja mielenkiintoinen englanninkielinen kuvakirja jossa tunnetut nykykuvaajat avaavat sanallisesti ja kuvallisesti luovan työnsä merkityksen itselleen. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/photography/6780947/Photo-wisdom-master-photographers-on-their-art.html HINTA 44,00 euroa (sisältää postipakettikulut) Through the extraordinary images and insights of the world's master photographers, Photowisdom explores the richness of contemporary photographic practice. Photowisdom features commentaries from original interviews with world-leading photographers alongside exquisite reproductions of key images chosen by the artists themselves.The result is an unprecedented collection of 200 images showcasing each master photographer's work and their unique voice.