I want to sell my Tamron lenses for Canon . Both of lens have their both caps ,uv filter and hoods. Tamron 17-35mm f2.8-4 also have box. Both of them are lens for FX (full frame) camera but you can use also with Crop sensor. Contact 0408747444 ( SMS first - Englantia ) or htrung1311@gmail.com Price without shipping fee : Tamron 17-35mm f2.8-4 = 220e SOLD Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 = 280e If you buy both lenses . I will offer 500e for both of them and i pay the shipping fee Tamron 17-35mm f2.8-4 Tamron 28-75mm f2.8
Vs: M: Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 Canon Just send 17-35mm f2.8-4 today . Only 28-75mm f2.8 Tamron for Canon now