Vs: Mitä kuuntelet! Kurkkasinpa minäkin, Goodbye Tolouse! Ovat näemmä palkanneet uuden tivoliurkurin ;-) Kuuntelin päälle tuon studioversion ja onpa sanottava, että huh, olihan bändissä aikamoinen rytmiryhmä, ja kerrankin basso kuuluu. ;-D
Vs: Mitä kuuntelet! Hah haha haa! Sex -Pistols - New York <SIZE size="70"]an imitation from new york you're made in japan from cheese and chalk you're hippy tarts hero 'cos you put on a bad show you put on a bad show oh don't it show still oh out on those pills oh do you remember think it's well playing max's kansas you're looking bored and you're acting flash with nothing in your gut you better keep yer mouth shut you better keep yer mouth shut in a rut still oh out on those pills do the sambo you four years on you still look the same i think about time you changed your brain you're just a pile of shit you're coming to this ya poor little faggot you're sealed with a kiss kiss me think it's swell playing in japan when everybody knows japan is a dishpan you're just a pile of shit you're coming to this you poor little faggot you're sealed with a kiss still oh out on those pills cheap thrills anadins aspros anything you're condemned to eternal bullshit you're sealed with a kiss kiss me a kiss a kiss you're sealed with a kiss a looking for a kiss you're coming to this i wanna kiss anything oh kiss this eh boy</SIZE>
Culttiva ;-) Entäs tää: dindu dindu din didudun duu... ........ Niin se aika kuluu... Kuten yksi tyyppi asetti juutuupis: <SIZE size="70"]"Ian started out as a Bauhaus Sioux indian lookalike, dabbled in 60's rock chic then full blown American rawk, full Sioux indian, Jim Morrison, but please; no chav in cardigans look!"</SIZE>
Vs: Mitä kuuntelet! ;-) Mutta on se paita silti sen firman.. Tai vähintään piraatti http://www.zeroskateboards.com/products/products.html