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Suomen Pimiötaiteilijoiden järjestämiä kursseja keväällä 2025

Keskustelu osiossa 'Kuvaustapahtumat & valokuvanäyttelyt' , aloittajana ppohja, 17 Helmikuu 2025.

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Tämä äänestys sulkeutuu 18 Toukokuu 2025 klo 22:39.
  1. Filmikuvaus ja mustavalkofilmin kehitys (Film photography and development of B&W film)

    0 ääntä
  2. Hopeagelatiinivedostuksen perusteet (The basics of silver gelatin printing)

    0 ääntä
  3. Hopeagelatiinivedostuksen jatkotyöpaja (The advanced techniques of silver gelatin printing)

    0 ääntä
  4. Experimental cyanotype

    0 ääntä
  5. Lith printing

  6. Kemigrammi (Chemigram)

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  1. ppohja

    ppohja Active Member

    Olemme vihdoinkin julkaisseet tämän kevään kurssitarjonnan! Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry – Finnish Darkroom Association (Holvi)

    Järjestämme kevään aikana yhteensä 6 kurssia! Opetusta saa hopeagelatiinivedostuksen alkeista ja edistyneemmistä tekniikoista, filmikuvauksen perusteista sekä kolmesta erilaisesta erikoistekniikasta.

    Filmikuvaus ja mustavalkofilmin kehitys
    Lauantai 8.3.2025

    Teoria + valokuvaus: lauantaina klo 10–18 (alkuun teoriaa, sitten käytännön osuus)

    Kurssilla käydään lyhyesti läpi filmikuvauksen teoriaa, filmikameroiden tyyppejä ja valokuvauksen perusteita kuten ISO-arvo, suljinaika, syväterävyys ja polttoväli, ja opitaan ulkona kuvaamista mustavalkoiselle filmille filmikameralla. Lopuksi kehitetään kurssilla kuvatut filmit.

    Kurssin vetäjä:
    Kurssin opettajana on Pietu Pohjalainen (FT), luonnontieteestä väitellyt filosofian tohtori, kuvataiteen opiskelija.


    Hopeagelatiinivedostuksen perusteet
    Perjantai – lauantai 21.–22.3.2025

    Teoria: perjantaina klo 18–20
    Vedostus: lauantaina klo 10–19

    Hopeagelatiinivedostuksen perusteet työpajassa opitaan hopeagelatiinivedostuksen eli mustavalkoisen pimiövedostuksen alkeita. Mukaan kurssille voi tulla, vaikkei olisi koskaan vedostanut kuvaa pimiössä tai se olisi päässyt tyystin unohtumaan. Työpajassa käydään lyhyesti läpi hopeagelatiinivedostuksen historiaa ja teoriaa, jonka jälkeen kuvia vedostetaan opiskelijoiden omista filminegatiiveista.

    Kurssin vetäjä:
    Katri Lassila (TaT) on hopeagelatiinivedostukseen erikoistunut valokuvataiteilija ja Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry:n perustajajäsen ja puheenjohtaja. Katri opettaa mustavalkoisen filminkehityksen ja hopeagelatiinivedostuksen kurssit Aalto-yliopiston Valokuvataiteen maisteriohjelmassa. Lisää tietoa opettajasta: katri krohn lassila

    Teaching also in English if needed!


    Hopeagelatiinivedostuksen jatkotyöpaja
    Perjantai – sunnuntai 3.–5.4.2025

    Teoria: perjantaina klo 18–20
    Vedostus: lauantaina + sunnuntai klo 10–18/19

    Hopeagelatiinivedostuksen jatkotyöpajassa opitaan hopeagelatiinivedostuksen edistyneempiä tekniikoita. Mukaan kurssille voi tulla, mikäli vedostustekniikka on perustasolla hallussa, mutta kaipaa opastusta esimerkiksi kuitupaperille vedostamisessa tai sävytyksissä. Työpajassa ohjataan opiskelijoita myös lisävalotusten ja varjostusten käytössä ja tutustutaan kuvien vaalentamiseen heikenteen avulla.

    Kurssin vetäjä:
    Katri Lassila (TaT) on hopeagelatiinivedostukseen erikoistunut valokuvataiteilija ja Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry:n perustajajäsen ja puheenjohtaja. Katri opettaa mustavalkoisen filminkehityksen ja hopeagelatiinivedostuksen kurssit Aalto-yliopiston Valokuvataiteen maisteriohjelmassa. Lisää tietoa opettajasta: katri krohn lassila

    Teaching also in English if needed!


    Experimental cyanotype (Teaching only in English)
    Friday – Saturday 18.–19.4.2025

    Teoria: perjantaina klo 18–20
    Vedostus: lauantaina klo 10–18

    The experimental cyanotype workshop explores the creative possibilities of this historic photographic process through hands-on experimentation. Participants work with nontraditional materials, such as plant-based toners and textured surfaces, to create unique cyanotype prints. This approach deepens their understanding of the interaction between photography, chemistry, light, and organic matter.

    About the teacher:
    Aindreas Scholz is a photographer specialising in analogue and cameraless photographic processes. His work explores the intersection of photography, ecology, and materiality, often incorporating alternative techniques such as cyanotype, soil chromatography, and lumen printing. Rooted in sustainability, his practice involves collaboration with natural elements like sunlight, seawater, and plant specimens to create images that reflect environmental contexts. His work has been exhibited across Europe, including at the Rotlicht Festival in Vienna. Upcoming exhibitions include Saatchi Gallery, London, as part of RPS IPE 166, and Photofusion, London, as part of Select/25. Aindreas Scholz | Artist


    Lith printing (Teaching only in English)
    Saturday 3.5.2025
    Theory + Printing: Saturday 10am–6pm (first theory, then printing)

    In the lith printing workshop students will learn the basics of the fascinating lith printing process. Lith printing is an alternative silver gelatin printing process that gives the artist a different set of controls over the print (compared to basic silver gelatin printing), allowing them to steer contrast, tones and grain in new and intriguing ways.

    Lith prints have a unique look that is specific to the process and allows for many different interpretations of the same negative. This workshop will specifically focus on lith printing using chemistry and paper that is currently easily available and the specific concerns that come with them.

    About the teacher:
    Denny Syed (b. 1987) is a photographer originally from The Netherlands but living in Helsinki, working with medium format cameras. He is the darkroom manager for Mork and has been intensively working with lith printing the last 2 years and general silver gelatin printing for over 15 years.


    Lauantai – sunnuntai 17.–18.5.2025
    Teoria + vedostus: lauantaina klo 10–17 (alkuun teoriaa, sitten vedostusta)
    Vedostus: sunnuntaina klo 10–17

    Kameraton valokuva- eli kemigrammikurssilla valmistetaan valokuvia ilman negatiiveja, ehkä jopa ilman suurennuskonetta. Kuvan syntyyn vaikuttavat ensisijaisesti valo ja aika. Pohdimme yhdessä mikä on "hyvän" abstraktin valokuvan olemus; myös käsitteet fotogrammi, reinogrammit ym. tulevat tutummiksi. Mikäli haluaa tutustua etukäteen kurssin teemaan, suosittelemme Laura Nissisen väitöskirjaa: Abstraktin aika. Epäesittävä suomalainen valokuvataide 1920-2020, Aalto ARTS Books, 2021.

    Kurssin vetäjä:
    Martti Jämsä (s.1959) on valokuvataiteilija ja Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry:n kunniajäsen. Hän valmistaa mustavalkoiset valokuvateoksensa kehystystä myöten itse omassa pimiössään, käsityöläisperinteitä kunnioittaen. Hän on julkaissut lukuisia valokuvakirjoja, joista osan esittelee kurssilla. Jämsän uusin teos "Horizon" ilmestyy Bokeh-kustantamon kautta keväällä 2025. Lisää tietoa opettajasta: Valokuvataiteilija Martti Jämsä

    Teaching also in English if needed!


    In English

    We have finally published our upcoming spring workshops! Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry – Finnish Darkroom Association (Holvi)

    We are organizing a total of six workshops during the spring, covering both the basic and advanced techniques of silver gelatin printing, along with one film photography workshop and three workshops focused on different special printing techniques!

    Film photography and development of B&W film
    Saturday 8.3.2025
    Theory + photography: Saturday 10am–6pm (first theory, then practical part)

    The theory of film photography and the basics of photography such as sensitivity, shutter speed, aperture and focal length are taught in this workshop. Students will also learn about different film cameras and how to shoot a roll of black and white film. At the end of the workshop, students will learn how to develop the roll of film themselves.

    About the teacher:
    The workshop is taught by Pietu Pohjalainen (PhD), Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Sciences, visual arts student.


    The basics of silver gelatin printing
    Friday – Saturday 21.–22.3.2025
    Theory: Friday 6pm–8pm
    Printing: Saturday 10am–7pm

    In the basics of silver gelatin printing workshop you will learn the basics of the silver gelatin printing process. You can join the workshop even if you have never printed an image in the darkroom or have completely forgotten how to do it. At the start of the workshop students will learn about the history and theory of the printing process, after which they will learn how to print images from their own film negatives.

    About the teacher:
    Katri Lassila (DoA) is a photographic artist specialising in silver gelatin printing and a founding member and chair of the Finnish Darkroom Association. Katri teaches darkroom courses also in the Photography MA programme at Aalto University and for the Finnish Museum of Photography. More info about the teacher: www.katrilassila.com

    Teaching also in English if needed!


    The advanced techniques of silver gelatin printing
    Friday – Sunday 3.–5.4.2025
    Theory: Friday 6pm–8pm
    Printing: Saturday + Sunday 10am–6/7pm

    In the advanced silver gelatin printing workshop, you will learn more advanced techniques of the silver gelatin printing process. You can join the workshop, if you have a basic level of understanding of silver gelatin printing, but need guidance in areas such as printing on fibre paper or tinting. Students will also learn how to use split grading technique and how to safely use Kalium Hexacyanoferrate to bleach prints.

    About the teacher:
    Katri Lassila (DoA) is a photographic artist specialising in silver gelatin printing and a founding member and chair of the Finnish Darkroom Association. Katri teaches darkroom courses also in the Photography MA programme at Aalto University and for the Finnish Museum of Photography. More info about the teacher: www.katrilassila.com

    Teaching also in English if needed!


    Experimental cyanotype (Teaching only in English)
    Friday – Saturday 18.–19.4.2025
    Theory: Friday 6pm–8pm
    Printing: Saturday 10am–6pm

    The experimental cyanotype workshop explores the creative possibilities of this historic photographic process through hands-on experimentation. Participants work with nontraditional materials, such as plant-based toners and textured surfaces, to create unique cyanotype prints. This approach deepens their understanding of the interaction between photography, chemistry, light, and organic matter.

    About the teacher:
    Aindreas Scholz is a photographer specialising in analogue and cameraless photographic processes. His work explores the intersection of photography, ecology, and materiality, often incorporating alternative techniques such as cyanotype, soil chromatography, and lumen printing. Rooted in sustainability, his practice involves collaboration with natural elements like sunlight, seawater, and plant specimens to create images that reflect environmental contexts. His work has been exhibited across Europe, including at the Rotlicht Festival in Vienna. Upcoming exhibitions include Saatchi Gallery, London, as part of RPS IPE 166, and Photofusion, London, as part of Select/25. Aindreas Scholz | Artist


    Lith printing (Teaching only in English)
    Saturday 3.5.2025
    Theory + Printing: Saturday 10am–6pm (first theory, then printing)

    In the lith printing workshop students will learn the basics of the fascinating lith printing process. Lith printing is an alternative silver gelatin printing process that gives the artist a different set of controls over the print (compared to basic silver gelatin printing), allowing them to steer contrast, tones and grain in new and intriguing ways.

    Lith prints have a unique look that is specific to the process and allows for many different interpretations of the same negative. This workshop will specifically focus on lith printing using chemistry and paper that is currently easily available and the specific concerns that come with them.

    About the teacher:
    Denny Syed (b. 1987) is a photographer originally from The Netherlands but living in Helsinki, working with medium format cameras. He is the darkroom manager for Mork and has been intensively working with lith printing the last 2 years and general silver-gelatine printing for over 15 years.


    Saturday – Sunday 17.–18.5.2025
    Theory + printing: Saturday 10am–5pm (first theory, then printing)
    Printing: Sunday 10am–5pm

    In the camera-less, chemigram workshop, you will learn to make photographs without a negative, perhaps even without an enlarger. Light, time and darkroom chemicals are the main factors to be explored and experimented with during this workshop. Together the students and teacher will reflect on the essence of a "good" abstract photograph; the concepts of photograms, reinograms, etc. will also be explored.

    About the teacher:
    Martti Jämsä (b. 1959) is a photographer and an honorary member of the Finnish Darkroom Association. He produces his black and white photographic work, including framing, in his own darkroom, respecting the traditions of the craft. He has published several photographic books, some of which will be presented in the workshop. Jämsä's latest work "Horizon" will be published by Bokeh in spring 2025. Read more about the teacher: Valokuvataiteilija Martti Jämsä

    Teaching also in English if needed!

    A_Renko ja Kona tykkäävät tästä.