I want to sell two lens Nikkor AFD 35mm f2 and Nikkor AFD 80-200mm f2.8D ED . They are both clean and free of scratch (surface of glass) , free of dust and come with both caps( rear and front ) .Nikkor 80-200mm f2,8 still have its original case (not the box) . Price is 500e for 80-200mm f2.8 and 35mm f2 is 220e . Both of them price 700e . I want to exchange 35mm f2 to AFS 35mm f1.8 or AFS 50mm f1.4 and 80-200mm f2.8 for 85mm f1.8 .Of course some money if the price is different between 2 lens . Contact me by PM this forum or SMS : 0408747444 Here is some picture of them.
Vs: Nikkor AFD 35mm f2 (210e) ja AFD 80-200mm f2.8D ED(450e) Price drop to 450e for 80-200mm f2.8 and 210e for 35mm f2
Vs: Tarjous AFD 80-200mm f2.8 ED = 400e end of this weekend (Lahti , Helsinki) Sell off AFD 80-200mm f2.8 ED = 400e end of this weekend (Lahti , Helsinki) . Deal in Helsinki or Lahti