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Keskustelu osiossa 'Kuvat ja galleriat' , aloittajana aixchel, 5 Syyskuu 2007.

    Gallen Kallela

    Apertures were 1.8 for body shots and 2.8 for mugshots
    ISO 640 to 800












    I don't suppose anyone has any kids in the Helsinki area that I could shoot for portfolio work? :)
  1. Vs: Kalevala

    We have a son almost 5 years and a daughter 11 months.

    Message me if interested...
  2. Vs: Kalevala

    Technically very fine shots. Very little to do with Kalevala, though...

    There is one thing which I just don`t understand - why spoil the fine photos with Ajaton Joki -text?
  3. LPhoto

    LPhoto Member

    Vs: Kalevala

    So you wouldn't steal them? ;)
  4. Vs: Kalevala

    Well, I don`t need to... but seriously. That text won`t prevent anybody from stealing the photos.
  5. Vita

    Vita Active Member

    2 789
    Vs: Kalevala

    beautiful pictures. and i, who usually don't like photos with children, like them :)

    if i was a bit younger and lived in hki area.. ;D
  6. Vs: Kalevala

    Double post!
  7. Vs: Kalevala

    I'm honestly not worried about theft here.  But these are posted on flickr and so that's why the watermark is there.  It would be silly to redo the pictures without a watermark for just posting here.

    And no, the watermark will not completely prevent theft.  But it does discourage it.  Do you lock your house at night?  Your car?  If so, it won't prevent someone stealing your car or robbing your house.  But it does discourage most people :)
  8. mvuori

    mvuori Well-Known Member

    10 669
    Vs: Kalevala

    No, the photographs posted on Kameralaukku are posted on Kameralaukku.
    Flickr could not care less about Kameralaukku and Kameralaukku wouldn't care less about Flickr.

    It wouldn't be silly, just polite. If you dont't respect this forum that much, why post at all?

    If the photographs require any relevant "redoing", there is something wrong with our processes. The originals most probably don't have the texts.

    You seem to think like a clerk in a store: "This was okay for the previous customer.
    What do you mean it is not okay for you? Do you really think I should consider each customer's needs?"
    That would obviously be a recipe for a disaster. And that thinking pattern will possibly be just that for you.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Vs: Kalevala

    There's no looming disaster. Just an annoyance.

    And people here trying hard to be semi-friendly try to encourage you (without saying exactly these words) to have a process where the watermarking is added as a last step to the images going to Flickr, no watermarking (and perhaps less saturation) to the images going to Kameralaukku, just like you would have different process for final sharpening done for specific output media and resolution.

    Perhaps you could do just very subtle watermarking that's easy to demonstrate (by boosting contrast and dropping color) and hard to remove, by utilizing whole image area, chrome and color and noise. Additional "Copyright protected on whole image area, not just down here" strip running faintly at the bottom of image would disturb little less and be maybe even more effective deterrent.