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f5.6 huhtikuu: f5.6 x Video Forever! 2.4. klo 19:00 Lavaklubi

Keskustelu osiossa 'Kuvaustapahtumat & valokuvanäyttelyt' , aloittajana F5.6, 26 Maaliskuu 2014.

  1. F5.6

    F5.6 Member

    F5.6 huhtikuu: F5.6 x Video Forever!

    F5.6-klubi syöksyy huhtikuussa taide-Euroopan ytimeen kun yhteistyö sveitsiläis-ranskalaisten Video Forever-screeningiltojen kanssa alkaa.
    Näe videotaiteen viimeisimmät virtaukset! Tutustu taiteilijoihin! Keskustele sydämesi kyllyydestä!
    Teoksia mm. Vanessa Beecroftilta, Petra Innaselta, Ali Kazmalta, Santtu Koivulta ja Jhafis Quinterolta.
    Keskustelua vetämässä sveitsiläisgalleristi-kuraattori Barbara Polla ja ranskalainen taidekriitikko-historioitsija-kuraattori Paul Ardenne.
    Tilaisuus enimmäkseen englanniksi.

    F5.6-klubi POIKKEUKSELLISESTI keskiviikkona 2.4. klo 19:00-, Kansallisteatterin Lavaklubi. Vapaa pääsy. Tilaisuuden järjestää Photo Do ry, Av-Arkin avulla ja sitä tukee Frame.

    Valokuvaajien ikioma klubi F5.6, joka kuukauden ensimmäisenä tiistaina Kansallisteatterin Lavaklubilla. F5.6 on alustuksia, portfolioita, keskusteluja, kirjoja, musiikkia, tapaamisia...
    F5.6n järjestävät vuorotellen Musta Taide, Photo Do ja Suomen Lehtikuvaajat.

    F5.6 x Video Forever 2.4. 2014 Helsinki

    F5.6 x Video Forever will be a collaboration between two events, Swiss-French video screening series Video Forever and Finnish visual club F5.6.
    Both parties have been working on their own for years and this is their first project together.

    Video Forever has been organized by Swiss curator Barbara Polla and French writer, teacher and curator Paul Ardenne. Club F5.6 is a collaboration between three visual organizations: Photo Do ry, the Association of Finnish Press Photographers and Musta Taide, the publishing arm of Aalto University.

    The idea is to build a two-way street between two strong visual cultures, France and Finland. The first steps have already been taken as work by Miina Kallinen and Niina Suominen were shown in the Paris February screening. The Finnish work is suggested by Av-Arkki ry and will be curated, along with International work, by Paul Ardenne.

    The monthly Parisian event will have a semi-annual screening in Helsinki, as part of the programme of the Club 5.6.
    The venue, Lavaklubi at Finnish National Theatre, is an intimate bar-club, with up to 150 seats, excellent audio-visual facilities and full bar, to encourage the discussion.

    The first Helsinki screening, under the theme of "Body", will show works by Finnish and international artists, some of which will be present at the screening. Barbara Polla and Paul Ardenne will open the screening and conduct the discussion.

    F5.6 x Video Forever
    2.4. 2014 19:00-
    Lavaklubi, Finnish National Theatre, Helsinki
    Free admission, as always.

    The event will be supported by Frame, mercy beaucoup.

    Dance with the body - From flesh to machine

    All human bodies belong to the same humanity. Whether in the realm of imagination, experienced in its flesh, resistant, transformed, mechanized, robotized, the body constantly refers to the human. The artists today play with the ambiguity of the body, though this ambiguity is an illusion : the body is indivisible. Whether it practices nature or mechanics, excess or carelessness, resistance or failure, group or solitude, it is always the same body. And the artists, whether Finnish, Swiss, occidental or from elsewhere, explore relentlessly what Paul Ardenne has defined as "Corpopoetics" : the investigation, exploration and appropriation of one's body as a meaningful approach to oneself.

    Artists presented at F5.6 screening (preliminary list):

    Janet Biggs
    Vanessa Beecroft
    Shaun Gladwell
    Henna-Riikka Halonen
    Petra Innanen
    Ali Kazma
    Santtu Koivu
    Daria Martin
    Jhafis Quintero
    Yves Netzhammer
    Angel Vergara