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D-lux 4

Keskustelu osiossa 'Digikuvaus' , aloittajana jaahv, 16 Joulukuu 2008.

    Onkos kellään jo kokemusta tästä Leican D-Lux4 mallista?
    Onko joku mahdollisesti testannut molempia (leicaa ja pansua), että olisiko eroa "kuvanmuodostuksella" D-lux4 ja LX3 välillä?

    Nimim. Utelias LX3 omistaja
  1. Kasimir

    Kasimir Well-Known Member

    9 680
    Vs: D-lux 4

    Tuossa Michael Reichmannin tiivistelmä (The Luminous Landscape, LX-3-käyttökokemuksia):


    What About The Leica D-Lux 4?

    What is essentially the same camera as the Panasonic LX-3 is also available as the Leica D-Lux 4. The differences between them appear to be the Leica red button badge rather than the Lumix name on the top right hand corner of the body. And....

    And, oh yes, almost $400 difference in price. At the time of this writing B&H, for example, is selling the LX-3 for $463 and the D-Lux 4 for $849. How is the remarkable price differential justified? I'm not sure.


    According to a source within Leica here are some salient advantages to the D-Lux 4...

        – a provided wrist strap rather than a neck strap (wow - a saving of about $7)
        – Phase One Capture One 4 raw software instead of Silkypix (a smart move, but not worth that much once other third party appears)
        – A two year warranty, vs Panasonic's 1 Year with 90 days labour (Humm. How about I just buy a second camera for the extra $400 if the first one fails? Seems like expensive insurance to me).

    The bottom line on this is that while the Leica version might be worth an extra $100, to my mind it simply isn't worth an almost $400 premium.

