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MYYTY Canon 5d mark 1 + 50mm 1.8 STM + bits and pieces

Keskustelu osiossa 'Myydään' , aloittajana Philhikk, 26 Tammikuu 2020.

    Item for sale: Canon 5d + battery grip, 50mm 1.8 STM, bits and bobs (3 batteries, strap, 32GB 128MB / s CF card)
    Price: 350e reasonable offers accepted (body + grip only: 250e)
    Location: espoo / hki
    Product Information: Camera, lens and battery grip in great condition apart from a missing rubber piece around the viewfinder.
    Condition of the product: very good, hardly any Cosmetic wear
    Delivery terms: Pick up espoo / hki
    Means of contact: e-mail: oleynik.philipp@gmail.com
    0456180610 or pm

    Liitetyt tiedostot:

    Viimeksi muokattu: 27 Tammikuu 2020