Myytävä tuote: Chamonix 4x5 View Camera Kit Hinta: 1200 EUR Paikkakunta: Rovaniemi Tuotteen kuvaus: A complete kit for large format photography. Tuotteen kunto: Hyvä Toimitusehdot: Postitus tai nouto Yhteydenottotavat: Sähköposti, puhelin, yksityisviesti Chamonix 4x5 View Camera Kit DM for more photos A complete kit for large format photography. * The Chamonix 45N-1 view camera. I'm the second owner (I think). Bought in 2019 for a project which is now complete. The camera is used and in good condition. The movements are very flexible and reasonably well controlled. The bellows are light-tight, all controls work as expected. The focusing screen has a fresnel insert (aftermarket) and is bright and evenly lit. There are felt-tip markings on the glass, can be easily removed. The focusing rail has some manual markings made probably with a drilling bit. Other than that the camera is reasonably clean and works very well. * 150mm f/5.6 Sinaron S (Apo Sironar N) lens in Copal 0 shutter on a lens board. Bright, lightweight, sharp and clean lens with a decent image circle allowing for plenty of movement, about 50mm equivalent focal length. Filter thread diameter 49mm. * 90mm Super-Angulon f/5.6 in Synchro-Compur shutter on a Linhof recessed lens board. Bright and clean wide-angle (28mm equiv.) lens. On the closest inspection a couple of wear spots are visible on the front element (from touching of the flexing lens cap). The spots are not visible on the listing images and have no effect on the pictures. Filter thread diameter 77mm. Both lenses' shutters are in excellent condition with correct timing. Both have a PC-sync interface, allowing to connect e.g. a flash unit controller. * Yellow, Red, Cir-Pol, 81B filters, 52mm thread, in cases. * Filter adapter ring 49mm to 52mm * 3x shutter release cables. 25cm Gebr.Schreck (Fotoauslöser mit Nirostafeder – Flügelgriff mit Kugelbremse – Gebr. Schreck) and 2 generic ones. * Focusing lens Ahel 4x. * 7x Lisco Regal II and 1x Fidelity Elite 4x5 film holders, all 2-sided, light-tight, used, clean inside, have some felt-tip markings. * Mirror hood, foldable, no-name. * Guohua GH 6x12 roll film back with small custom improvements. With enough care can be used successfully for shooting 120mm roll film. * Custom-made focusing cloth, similar to 5x7 BTZS Focus Hood (dark cloth). * Paterson 4-film development tank with MOD54 film processor (MOD54 Mk27 4x5 Film Processor). * Ilford FP4+ 4x5 film in an opened 100-sheet box. Purchased in 2020, possibly expired, but stored in the freezer. There are either 25 or 50 sheets remaining, the details will be clear after defrosting. ** Also available (not included) a Fujinon-C 300mm f/8.5 lens in Copal shutter on metal lens board. The lens is extremely sharp, lightweight, and clean. ** Also available (not included) a Sekonic L-758DR light meter. ** Also available (not included) a Lowepro Flipside 400 AW II photo backpack where enough of this kit nicely fits for a day session.