Berlin, 2013., Tri-X Hello everyone, next month my first book of photographs is about to be published. Almost 90 percent of the photographs were taken in Helsinki and Finland. Unfortunately, the sponsors didn't reacted quite well, so I decided to seek alternative ways of financing the project. One of them is, obviously, Indiegogo. So, if you can, please contribute and make it happen. Examine the perks section, might be intresting. Contribute even the small amount, everything counts! Thanks in advance, Kresimir
Vs: Babylon I had a look and you sure have very nice pictures there, Kresimir. I'd like to suggest one thing though, please concider changing the title typeface on the cover page. To me the typeface suggests that the content is b-horror and I fail to see any relation with the beautiful images you make. Anyhow what ever you choose to do, good luck with project!
Vs: Babylon Great photos, you'll succeed with this one I'm sure. I agree with Lunnifer regarding the cover typeface.
Vs: Babylon Thanks guys, the font had been chosen by my careful art director, I have agreed and still think that was a good decision. Thanks for stoping by and I wouldn't mind any concrete support