Vs: At my table Now, where's the comments? I usually like your stuff very much, although being a lazy commetator I rarely speak it out. However, here I would have liked even more simple composition - I mean that it felt like there's a bit too much stuff in the image. There's a story, all right, but perhaps even a stronger story without the paper (or brochure, whatever it is) on the table... IMHO, as they say. Oh, almost forgot to mention that the tones nd lighting are great! Now I think I owe myself a pint... Velkopopovicky, is it? BR, Jari
Vs: At my table Thanks for the comment, Jari. Probably you're right, although If I was going to make it simpler, I would certainly exclude the beer. By the way, it was Krušovice
Vs: At my table Nice indeed, light and tones. But what distracts me is that modern beer glass. I think that it does not fit to this photo.
Vs: At my table My two cents: I would not leave out any element. There is a general rule that three is the optimum number of elements in a still-life assembly like this. _But_ if there is one element that is less important than the others, it is the eyglasses - how can the beer drinker see the catalog when the glasses are on the table... A modern day beer glass is a good thing, as this is sokre's table, not a vision from the past. With a vintage beer glass the photo would be a different photo and the story would be a different story.
Vs: At my table I´d move the eyeglasses on the table, in order to rise it up as a third element in the picture.
Vs: At my table Kreso, as far I am concerned, I am seeing this photo as comment to some well known pictures "from the history of photography" to put it straight. The beer glass is familiar, also the googles ( jan saudek??) the set up is all Kreso, I like it ( a lot!)