[img] [img] Canon 30D 85mm 1.8 ISO 200 F/1.8 SS 100 Seurasaari
Canon 30D. 85mm 1.8 or 28mm 1.8. F/1.8 to F/3.5, ISO 200-400 1. [img] 2. [img] 3. [img] 4. [img] 5. [img] 6. [img] 7. [img] 8. [img]...
Vs: Kalevala I'm honestly not worried about theft here. But these are posted on flickr and so that's why the watermark is there. It would be...
Vs: Kalevala Double post!
Gallen Kallela 30D F/1.8 Apertures were 1.8 for body shots and 2.8 for mugshots ISO 640 to 800 1. [img] 2. [img] 3. [img] 4. [img] 5....
Vs: Kirkkonummi - Wedding Kiitos!
Canon 30D Canon 85mm 1.8 ISO 200-400 [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Shat at the Gallen Kallela Museo or in Tapiola. For the first shoot, I chose the traditional Korean dress - a hanbok. It's a very loose fitting...
Vs: Espoonkartano - Nikon ja Canon Thanks! I do miss the rich Nikon tones but the Canon 30D has really exceeded my expectations for skin...
Sorry for the English. This location has always been my favorite for deep rich colors. So I decided to return there yesterday and see how well I...
[img] Canon 30D 85mm 1.8 430 Ex high speed fill flash mode, +1-2/3 FEC, with diffuser panel Lab mode conversion in Photoshop Hvittrask,...
Vs: Haukivuori - Tytto Thank you for the replies. The tilt is intentional - to keep her perpendicular in the frame. Otherwise she looks like...
[img] Canon 30D 85mm 1.8 F/1.8 Lab mode luminosity conversion in CS3
Vs: Painting the Autumn Frost in Kirkkonummi Thanks! This was really fun. Took me awhile to find the right barn, though. I kept expecting some...
A frost fairy painting the first frost of Autumn on the grass: [img] Originals : a barn in Kirkkonummi area (Evitskog) [img] and my daughter...
Vs: Laajalahti Color Kiitos! These are all taken with the 50mm 1.8, yes. It's the only lens I own right now for the D80 (though I will be...
[img] [img] [img] [img] Nikon D80 50mm 1.8