Wanted Enlarger timer any type considered. Please contact robnwhite@hotmail.com
Wanted to buy 5x7 or 10x8 enlarger. Any model considered. Contact robnwhite@hotmail.com. Halutaan ostaa suurennuskone 5x7 tai 10x8. Yhteydenotot...
Vs: Ostetaan suurennuskone ja muuta pimiötavaraa Muutama päivä vielä Hesassa, sitten Kouvolaan. Noudosta voidaan kuitenkin neuvotella muiltakin...
Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry? Thanks everybody for your help, really appreciated! What a great community you are! I have enough leads now...
Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry? Thanks for your help, really appreciated! Could you still advise me of places in the UK and Germany who...
I m a New Zealander arrived in Finland some time back and I m looking for a place where to buy black and white dark room printing chemicals in...
Halutaan ostaa mustavalk. suurennuskone. Etsinnässä etenkin seuraavan kokoiset: 6 cm x 7 cm / 6 cm x 6 cm / 12 cm x 17,8 cm (5" x 7"), mutta...