Vs: Patrolman Thanks
Taken in Bratislava, Slovakia
Vs: The eye Temporary local...
Vs: The eye Thanks to all
Vs: At my table Thanks
Vs: The eye Thank you all
Vs: The eye Thank you dear people
Stairs in public library, Helsinki
Vs: Alone Thanks Erska
Vs: Alone Thanks Jukka
Vs: At my table Thank you Heli
Vs: At my table Thank you, for both comment and translation
Vs: At my table I have a problem - I can't read Finnish...
Efke KB 50
Taken in Helsinki
Vs: square format only.. My first posting here, all the photos taken with Minolta Autocord
Vs: Sälää nurkista Hello, I would like to buy Rolleinar 1 and 2 close-up lenses. Would you be willing to sell both for 50€? I live in...
Vs: M: Minolta X-700 No lens, body only