Vs: M: Contax TvS 200 € now up
Vs: M: Voigtländer Bessa T + 4.5/15mm 580 €
Vs: M: Voigtländer Nokton 1.2/35 aspherical 950 € now
Vs: M: Voigtländer Bessa T + 4.5/15mm Sorry, not at the moment
Vs: M: Voigtländer Bessa T + 4.5/15mm The item photo added
Vs: M: Voigtländer Bessa T + 4.5/15mm I can provide later, but, as I wrote, the gear is in perfect shape
Vs: M: Voigtländer Bessa T + 4.5/15mm 600 €
Vs: M: Voigtländer Nokton 1.2/35 aspherical 1000€
Vs: M: Contax TvS 170 € 170 €
Vs: M: Voigtländer Bessa T + 4.5/15mm 650 €
Vs: M: Voigtländer Nokton 1.2/35 aspherical 1050 €
For sale: Voigtländer Nokton 1.2/35 aspherical, version II, Leica M mount, brilliant lens, sharp even wide open. Optical condition 10/10...
Vs: M: Contax TvS 180 € only! 180 €
For sale: Voigtländer Bessa T, black, pristine condition, with grip. Voigtländer 4.5/15mm lens, silver, first version. External 15mm...
For sale is Jupiter 3, 1.5/50mm, M39 mount lens, with Leica M adapter. It focuses accurately and smoothly on my M7. Sharp when wide open. ...
Vs: M: Contax TvS 180 € now!
Vs: M: Leica R4s, Summicron 2/50 350 € !! 350 € now
Vs: M: Leica R4s, Summicron 2/50 380 € Another price drop
Vs: M: Leica R4s, Summicron 2/50 OK, 400 €
Vs: M: Leica R4s, Summicron 2/50