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Keskustelu osiossa 'Yleistä keskustelua' , aloittajana kebax, 16 Syyskuu 2012.

  1. Mirrored

    Mirrored Well-Known Member

    23 779
    Tämä tuli myös katsottua alusta loppuun jokunen päivä sitten kun se telkkarista tuli. Antoisa, ruokkiva. Lisää oivallusta.

    Tangoa Putinin kanssa
  2. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
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    How will Germany spend its massive €100 billion military budget? | DW News
    DW News

    3,74 milj. tilaajaa
    00:00 Massive budget to build up Germany's army Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a historic increase in military spending. It included a one-time sum of 100 billion Euros to swiftly upgrade the armed forces, and a pledge to spend at least 2 percent of Germany's economic output on defense every year. So what exactly is Germany planning to buy with these billions?

  3. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
    2 072
    Mahtavat ajat asekauppiaille. Paljon lisää fyrkkaa ja valtaa. Entisten lisäksi.

    Sota , joillekin, supertuottoisaa.
    niffe tykkää tästä.
  4. niffe

    niffe Well-Known Member

    13 453
    Sen vuoksi sotia käydään.
  5. Johannes

    Johannes Well-Known Member

    2 346
    Jyrkkä nousu 24.2. alkaen.
    niffe tykkää tästä.
  6. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
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    "Kimon" kuvasta ("Jumppapallo") tuli mieleen sarja jota joskus katselin eikä tyttöystävä yhtään ymmärtänyt miksi se oli, mielestäni, niin hyvä :)

  7. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
    2 072
    'People Are Being Torn To Pieces': Inside The Liberated Kyiv Suburb Of Irpin
    94 677 katselukertaa

    Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

    RFE/RL reporter Levko Stek visited the recently liberated Kyiv suburb of Irpin on March 30-31. He saw dead bodies, shattered buildings, and burned-out Russian military vehicles in the streets as sounds of distant fighting still echoed in the background. Originally published at - https://www.rferl.org/a/people-torn-t...

  8. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
    2 072
    Välillä jotain muuta kuin kauhua...

  9. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
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    UATV English
    "The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited deoccupied city of Bucha on the outskirts of Kyiv. Talking to foreign press he said, that he knows about "thousands of people killed and tortured, with severed limbs, raped women, murdered children" by Russian soldiers. The President noted, that these are war crimes, and they will be recognized by the world as genocide.

    Zelenskyy in Bucha: These are war crimes, and they will be recognized by the world as genocide":

    Viimeksi muokattu: 4 Huhtikuu 2022
  10. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
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    DW News


    After graphic images from the Kyiv suburb of Bucha began to surface over the weekend, the world reacted with horror and condemnation to the mass graves of Ukrainian civilians, as well as accusations of summary killings and the use of sexual violence as a tool of war by Russian soldiers. Bucha is a town of some 36,000 inhabitants less than 8 kilometers (5 miles) from the city limits of Kyiv. In late February, it became the target of Russian forces as they advanced on the Ukrainian capital. According to survivors, many citizens stayed in their basements for weeks without light or heat until Ukrainian troops took back the city. After the Russians pulled back, reports began to emerge accusing Moscow's forces of restraining and then shooting civilians, as well as sexually assaulting local women, whose bodies were left naked and partially burned on the side of the road. Photos and videos showed mass graves around the city. Independent journalists have confirmed accounts of locals as to the existence of the graves and many of the atrocities committed in the town. Bucha Mayor Anatoliy Fedoruk estimated that at least 300 residents had been killed, and some were buried alongside numerous Russian soldiers. Ukrainian newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda reported on Sunday that 340 bodies had been recovered in the town. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused Russia of committing genocide. "We are citizens of Ukraine and we don't want to be subdued to the policy of the Russian Federation. This is the reason we are being destroyed and exterminated," he told US broadcaster CBS. Zelenskyy also critcized former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and ex-German Chancellor Angela Merkel for what he called appeasing Russian President Vladimir Putin, including making major business deals with state-owned enterprises and failing to stand against the 2014 annexation of Crimea. "I invite Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Sarkozy to visit Bucha and see what a policy of concessions for 14 years has led to," he said. Human Rights Watch said it had documented what it described as "apparent war crimes" but said it was still "too early" to declare the massacres a genocide, as calls mounted for official investigation into what happened in the city. Russian officials have alternatively claimed that the footage from Bucha is "staged" or that troops were "provoked" by "extremists," but have provided no evidence for these claims. Moscow has requested a meeting of the UN Security Council to address the allegations of war crimes.

  11. motris

    motris Well-Known Member

    4 928
    Joopa joo.

    Eilen kerkesin katsomaan tämän siinä linssicurryn keittämisen ohessa: Volodymyr Zelenskyi Ukrainan sankari

    Reilun kuukauden aikana olen itkenyt suunnilleen joka ilta:
    Ukraina - sota jota ei ole

    Kaikilta osin väärin.

    Vähän vaikea ymmärtää, miksi nyt äimistellään.

    Vertauksena (satuna/tarinana): Pappa laittoi lapsenlapselleen 2008 veikkausvoitot (=tonnin seteli) ns. all in "venäjä". Jo 2014 ne laitettiin kuitenkin muualle salkunhoitajankin kehotuksesta.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 4 Huhtikuu 2022
  12. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
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    Putin's Armageddon Weapon
    RS-28 Sarmat
    "Satan II"

  13. Mirrored

    Mirrored Well-Known Member

    23 779
    Viimeksi muokattu: 5 Huhtikuu 2022
  14. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
    2 072
  15. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

    17 936
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  16. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

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