Myyn tarpeettomana vähän käytetyn erikoismallin kamerasta Leica D-Lux Leica Camera Japan announced on August 10th that they will be collaborating with 10 groups of domestic artists to create the compact digital camera Leica D-LUX "RSJ Edition''. With the magazine Rolling Stone welcoming their 100th issue on July 10th, the commemorative model will only be sold domestically. Each model will have 20 units, making a total of 200 units combined, and will be sold as a limited edition. The Leica D-LUX "RSJ Edition" has the base of the compact digital camera Leica D-LUX and are special, limited edition models made in collaboration with 10 domestic musicians. The models that will have the 10 artists' logos engraved on them will be sold in phases starting from September 2015 until January 2016. The exterior of the Leica D-LUX "RSJ Edition" consists of a metallic wine-red base with motif prints engraved via laser. The camera's top cover will have the musician's logo engraved on it. The Leica D-LUX comes coupled with the wide-angle smooth lens Leica DC Vario-summilux f1.7-2.8/10.9-34mm ASP. Its focal length is 24-75mm (equivalent focal length is 35mm) and comes with a cover. Mukana kaikki alkuperäiset tarvikkeet: automaattinen linssisuojus (normaalin lisäksi), salama, hihna, ohjekirja, takuutodistus, laturi ja USB. Sijaitsee Tikkurilassa. Mieluiten nouto,toimitus joustavasti pääkaupunkiseudulle ja sovittaessa kohtuumatkan päähän. Tyylikäs ja erinomaiset kuvausominaisuudet omaava kamera harvinaisemmassa mallissa.