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Where to buy dark room chemistry?

Keskustelu osiossa 'Filmikuvaus' , aloittajana Robin White, 10 Maaliskuu 2011.

    I m a New Zealander arrived in Finland some time back and I m looking for a place where to buy black and white dark room printing chemicals in Finland (or imported from abroad). Im looking for print developer Agfa Neutol or similar, Agfa fix or similar, Agfa stop bath or similar.

    Also is there a Foma chemical importer into Finland?

    I usually buy from Silverprint UK but they are not licensed to  send chemicals to Finland.

    Sorry I dont speak Finnish, but you can reply in Finnish and I can have it translated, no problem! Thanks!
  1. SakkeM

    SakkeM Well-Known Member

    23 208
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    Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry?

    Try f.i.


    The site is in Finnish, call Olli.
  2. Mirrored

    Mirrored Well-Known Member

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  3. Mirrored

    Mirrored Well-Known Member

    23 779
    Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry?

    In Finland we often buy from Germany or UK.  It's a question about better selection and price.  (Hopeavedos.fi is different - there is something very special products for sell)

    hopea,  silver
    vedos, print
  4. Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry?

    Thanks for your help, really appreciated! Could you still advise me of places in the UK and Germany who will deliver developer, fix and stop to Finland? My supplier Silverprint UK are not permitted to send these chemicals out outside the UK. Thanks!!
  5. Mirrored

    Mirrored Well-Known Member

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  6. Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry?

    fotoimpex.de, macodirect.de

    But do check telefoto. At least you can get the Agfa stuff there! ("bit" more expensive i guess)


    EDIT: Oh, telefoto makes sense especially if you live close to Helsinki, so you can just pick the chemicals up from there.. Otherwise, if one needs to order, then the glory of EU really kicks in, and it might make a lot of sense to order from, say, Germany.
    And now someone will start to complain about not supporting local shops. Which is a good point..
  7. Tuus4

    Tuus4 Well-Known Member

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  8. Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry?

    I've used AG Photographic for most of my film&chemistry needs lately. The shipping fee is quite high but it's fixed up to 30 kg, so it will be reasonable only if you can afford buying a lot at once. Otherwise, the pricing is very good there.

    Also, Nordfoto in Germany doesn't seem to have any problems shipping chemicals.

    But of course for the most basic needs such as BW chemicals, check the local distributors first. Even if they are more expensive, you can save in shipping if you can pick them up locally. Telefoto in Helsinki has been mentioned already, but for example, we also have Foto Hertell (http://fotohertell.fi/) here in Tampere. Where do you live, actually?
  9. Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry?

  10. Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry?

    I order most of the stuff from macodirect.de and now after six orders I dare to recommend it.
    Reasons: I get everything from same place. All brand films available but also cheap Rollei and lucky films. Fast delivery with UPS and it's not that expensive (compared to Itella prices). They have decent web pages and also in English.

    My latest order from maco is on it's way. Chemicals, paper and 4x5" film worth of 120€ and shipping and handling was around 16€.
  11. Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry?

    Thanks everybody for your help, really appreciated! What a great community you are! I have enough leads now to follow up suppliers. I work in liquid emulsions and printing on 3D surfaces, I use quite a lot of chemicals and price counts.

    I work in digital to film and also I need to buy a 5x7 enlarger to print my 6x18cm 120 negs, I placed an add but have not had any response, does any one out there have leads? At this moment I live in Helsinki at least for a few more days then I will be located at Kouvola where I will set up a darkroom. Thanks again for all your help!!
  12. vasek

    vasek Member

  13. Vs: Where to buy dark room chemistry?

    I have also a quite extensive supply of chemicals from Maco, mainly for my own use, but if you are in a hurry, I could sell some, I used to have  "123Prolab" and maybe I open it up for business again. you can call me at +358-400- 408168 Jukka watanen
    Rob: Thanks for calling, my email is  <EMAIL email="vatanenj@gmail.com"]vatanenj@gmail.com</EMAIL>