Vs: Made in Finland After having accidentally dropped and broken his Suomi-viina bottle the youngster comforts himself with a can of Karjala-beer (note: made out of aluminum, not glass). Saturday night fever. I like these, especially the upper one.
Vs: Made in Finland As always, well documented. In this case, sadly. Nothing for us Finns to be proud of.
Vs: Made in Finland I don't think this is Finnish-only problem and I certainly didn't wanted to make any statement here. Just documenting, as you said, Keni
Vs: Made in Finland Well ... Humans drinking alcohol. We don't have to have so bad conscience about it as finns. Finns are fine people : Strong, beautiful and unite !!! FINNS ! I do like those photos - they are simple and tell us that one little drinking story quite nicely. Sori möin bööd önglish - E
Vs: Made in Finland Nice to have you back, Sokre! Ok, the essence of Finnish-ness... I like the first one, the tattoo is a nice catch (suppose you had to sneak very close to get that shot!) and there something very melancholic in his posture - hence suitably "made in Finland". The other one... technically perfect, but a bit cliche? And finally, bonus points for the title...
Vs: Made in Finland Thanks. The first was taken through the bus stop glass, the second is authentic, railway tracks at Tikkurila... Cliche? Maybe
Vs: Made in Finland I like the first one - a hard working man drinking battery before night shift... that how finns are, working hard, even expense of their own health.
Vs: Made in Finland Sure they are, like the citizens of any other country in their own view. .... Well, maybe not brazilians
Vs: Made in Finland Tua noin niin, saattaishan sitä sannoo junttimaisuudeksikin tai alkoholiongelmaksikin... Mutta oikein hyviä kuvia on.