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Up the hill

Keskustelu osiossa 'Kuvat ja galleriat' , aloittajana sokre, 13 Toukokuu 2010.

  1. paraneva

    paraneva Well-Known Member

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    Vs: Up the hill

    Miksi, hänhän voisi opetella suomea?
  2. sokre


    Vs: Up the hill

  3. Vs: Up the hill

    Thats a typical finnish, who travel aroud europe. Dont be so worry Sokre.

    About picture, its nice, looks like there is irreproachable officer, in a routine hurry. Effectial sidelight, yes, something wery WOW is missing, but i think this is quite nice weekday shot.

    Suomeksi: tottakai käytin sanakirjaa apuna...
  4. sokre


    Vs: Up the hill

    Thanks Jussi, I agree there's nothing very special about this photo, but I guess it works well as a part of my Paris collection. As for the language, I suppose I won't be posting any more photos here, since I can't have an intelligent discussion in Finnish, which I simply can't read or write. Thank you all, anyway. :)   
  5. Vs: Up the hill

    Ok, if you think so...
    Thanks for all your incredibly photos, i have seen many "WOW" pictures from you, but what is more interesting, many more not so "wow" pictures, maybe those are the better ones? Yes, those are. I think that you must came back here some better day. Look out at the window now, it almost raining again...
  6. Vs: Up the hill

    Sokre: don't give up just yet - the discussion in finnish language in this (your) thread can't be described as intellectual... Or perhaps it is, but it has very little if anything to do with your picture. About this shot: it may lack the wow factor but it has a good mood and hence it's place, especially as a part of a larger whole. I have enjoyed your pictures a lot and hope you keep posting 'em. Even the knowledge that you used Trix here does not bother me (that's what this "intelligent discussion" was mostly about). Just be happy you did not understand it all...:)


  7. hannu523

    hannu523 Well-Known Member

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    I agree with jesalonen; There`s no real reason to leave, but many to stay.  Hannu
  8. SakkeM

    SakkeM Well-Known Member

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    Yep - the "intelligent discussion"  may be a faint hope.....  :)  whichever language we use.  Your pics are nice, anyway, and suit well among the other pictures here.  Keep posting.  Maybe some bright days will come - even talking about discussion and the conversationalists.
  9. Keni

    Keni Well-Known Member

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    Vs: Up the hill

    For once, I fully agree with SakkeM. The discussions here in Kameralaukku often are what they are, no matter the language.

    As I mentioned in my first input, the text had nothing to do with your picture. It was about the fact that you dared to mention which film the picture was shot with; Tri-X. Some of the members get allergic reactions when the film type is mentioned. God knows why...

    And indeed, the writings had nothing to do with intellectualism (or lack of it), as someone claimed, it had to do with rights. What information you choose to give in your postings is your own business, and should not be questioned. I hate this type of manipulation, that's why I decided to answer, even if the thread wasn't my own.

    Sorry about this, and keep on posting your fine pictures, Kreso!
  10. brororn

    brororn Active Member

    Vs: Up the hill

    I agree with you Keni but please do not fall in the same trap of looking down to others  - even they are Finnish.

    Kreso: I try to defend myself. I first gave a sort of "intelligent" comment about your picture - had no idea I should be using English. Translated: The idea of rhytmic element between the shadows and the fence is good. I did find the man going up the hill not being the main subject but the rhytmic elements in the picture, which led to (obviously stupid) questioning of the namimg and introduction. I apologise falling into this trap and will never ever do it again. Real intelligent discussion is my dream.
  11. Keni

    Keni Well-Known Member

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    OK, Peace! Let's not make this too serious. Live and let live. And hopefully Kreso will keep on posting pictures!
  12. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

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    Kresos photo is nice. Have seen "better" ones and with that very famous "WOW" factory too (stupid "networld"-expression, that "WOW" ... pyh) ... but these one is ok also. I would turn it to mirrow reflected photo - so man would walk on the right side - not on the left side.
    Photo is allright - and is allways very precious to me to see Your Photos here in kameralaukku.com.
    Please send them here in future too.

    Some these "intellectual writing" here is just bullshit - I must say ... sorry, pals ...

    Hope you all stay here in Internet for the reast of your lifes. Because everybody is so important :D

    Love, Rock and Peace, do not go away.
    - Erska

    Sorry my bääd english - i just dont get it ... and don't know where my dictionaries are.
  13. SakkeM

    SakkeM Well-Known Member

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  14. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

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  15. Vs: Up the hill

    Mitens jatkossa, meinaako "old school"-hemmot käännyttää kaikki englantia puhuvat suomenkielisiksi? Muslimit ja Hindut kristinuskoon? Eiks siinä samalla menis kasvissyöjät hk:n sinisen purijoiksi? Eli ei kai foorumin säännöissä oo kiellettyä käyttää Englantia? Mun Englanti on heikko, mutta em mää ymmärrä muitakaan outoja maailman kieliä. Eiks valokuvan kieli oo vähän kansainvälisempi, tosin eri kulttuureissa noitakin luetaan eri sävyissä.

    In Eglish:
    Just talking about, what we do in future? Why somebodys thinks that only finnish is acceptable? Sokre, we need you (and kind of you) now and in a future, to become richer... and more global.
    (As usually, I dont sorry my english, because its what i have).
    Best Regards
  16. Est

    Est Well-Known Member

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    Well ... maybe this all very intelligent ... but please : Talk something about photos too - yeah ?

    Love You All SOOOOOOO Much !

    Please, nobody leaves this great Photosite, ever never.
    Kameralaukku Forever !
    Films Forever !!
    Digital Forever !!!

    Peace Please and much much LOOV foor OOL.
    - Erska

    Sori Mai Anglosaxi ...