Tässä pari poimintaa kesän kaksituhattakuusi analoogisesta kuvasadosta, muutama lisempi nähtävissä ankea.netin ykkösfoorumeilla @ Aukea.net, virtuaalinen luomisgalleria. Pyytäisin että kommentointi kuviin (myös aukeassa) tehtäisiin englanniksi ja pisteytys muodossa 7/7, esimerkiksi "Great composition, vivid colors, regards! 7/7" Myös oikeanlaista palautetta saa antaa. Lisää samankaltaista paskaa nähtävillä osoitteessa http://outowear.com/jussi, strap on photo official website coming in 200X.
Vs: Bobby got no bitches but he got smack, and smack is good. I like most the second photo! It has the moment and interestin ballance, like it! 7/7 full points ;D ps. I am very sorry, that I don't have bossible to write to Aukea
Vs: Bobby got no bitches but he got smack, and smack is good. Love your costumes! What camera equipment do you have! Splendid photos. I like to watch! You're my hero. 7/7. Best Regards Turku waterhead
Vs: Bobby got no bitches but he got smack, and smack is good. Excellent compositions! Love your style! Regards! 7/7.
Vs: Bobby got no bitches but he got smack, and smack is good. I really have to say more Many times I have come back to watch them.. I like very much the third also.. The blurring girl are so intressing, what she is looking and thinking? the countenance is so felicitous.
Vs: Bobby got no bitches but he got smack, and smack is good. Dear Jpu, cheers for the 7/7. The girl is originally from Iran, lives in Germany, and she's propably lookin at my big black camera and thinking how she can escape the situation. I was a bit drunk so I'm simply not in any position to remember 7/7 what was the topic of discussion on that precise moment. Regards.
Vs: Bobby got no bitches but he got smack, and smack is good. nice photos.new views. new compositions. 5/7
Vs: Bobby got no bitches but he got smack, and smack is good. I wrote to Ankea.net because english is too hard for me to write here freedom text. I wrote to Ankea.net in finnish and I´m sorry about that.. The end: extraordinarys (<-that word is from English-Finland wordbook) pictures 6/7
Vs: Bobby got no bitches but he got smack, and smack is good. I love the colors on pictures 1,2 and 4! However the black & white conversion on pic 3 is not so good! 7/7!!! p.s. please check my pictures too 7/7?
Vs: Bobby got no bitches but he got smack, and smack is good. 7/7 archetypical weathermaster conspiracy cabbage <COLOR color="red"]check this site</COLOR> http://www.spam.com/ <SIZE size="60"]pakollinen ulkomaansivuviesti</SIZE>