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Espoonkartano - Nikon ja Canon

Keskustelu osiossa 'Kuvat ja galleriat' , aloittajana aixchel, 17 Elokuu 2007.

    Sorry for the English.

    This location has always been my favorite for deep rich colors.  So I decided to return there yesterday and see how well I can pull out the colors with my Canon like I did with my Nikons.  So yes, some of these have richer pops and others are more subtle - it was fun exploring. :)

    By way of comparison, here is my Nikon color from last year.  This was with the D50 - which was just amazing with color. It was also just after a rain, so the colors will be deeper than those I took yesterday on a dry day.


    Canon 30D
    85mm 1.8

    1. F/1.8 ISO 640 SS 320

    2. F/1.8 ISO 200 SS 80

    3. F/1.8 ISO 640 SS 320

    4.  F/1.8 ISO 640 SS 125

    5.  F/1.8 ISO 200 SS 125

    6. F/2.8 ISO 200 SS 100  This was a luminosity pop. 

    7.  F/2.8 ISO 800 SS 125  It was *dark* in this area! 

    8. F/2.8 ISO 200 SS 200 

    9. F/2.8 ISO 160 SS 200

    10. F/2.8 ISO 200 SS 400 Might have made this too red

    And without deeper color pops:

    11s  F/1.8 ISO 200 SS 800 Love how the sun is setting here so giving directional light behind her

    13. F/1.8 ISO 200 SS 125 I shrunk her for this picture :)

    14.  F/2.8 ISO 200 SS 60  A BW for the mix - same spot as the first picture in this post

    15.  F/2.8 ISO 200 SS 125  Is the shaft of light distracting?

    And some photo manipulations from the shoot:

    from this image:
    This was about an hour's worth of work and still needs refining, though. Especially the skirt extension, which was a last minute afterthought before going to sleep.


    These are posted on flickr and so are watermarked. I do know some find them annoying but I need to do what I feel is best to protect the images. :)
  1. Vs: Espoonkartano - Nikon ja Canon

    Just amazing work, Well done! 8 and 14 are my fav's.
  2. Vs: Espoonkartano - Nikon ja Canon

    Thanks!  I do miss the rich Nikon tones but the Canon 30D has really exceeded my expectations for skin tones.  I only wish it didn't throw color casts around everywhere.  I spend most of my time fixing strange tints and tones in the raw processor (and I even have a WB and exposure card).

    I just love the dreamy skin tones

    <IMG src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1129/1092366745_b5e8a58aaf_o.jpg"][​IMG]</IMG>
  3. Vs: Espoonkartano - Nikon ja Canon

    Excellent manipulations, soft but sharp and wery nice tones.
    Pretty much best I've seen lately.

    IMO nro 1 of these is that last one with dreamy skin tones.